Every day is a collection of moments. Each week, each month and each year they become our memories.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fab Fall Fun Weekend


In honor of sweet Jake we started the weekend Friday night with a family costume birthday party.   I was really happy with how her wig turned out, and in general the whole family costume came together just the way I hoped it would.   

 family halloween

 me and t halloween


Saturday Team Brager had 2 different events to work.  So little T and I headed to the Pinewood Elementary Phantom Fun Run.  Since we were a sponsor of the event we had a table in the gym where we could talk to people as they were registering for the run, or just plain warming up.   Tessie was a dream.  She looked around at everything, she played on the floor quietly and when it was time to sleep she zonked right out in the stroller.  All in all we had a successful morning while Steve worked a show in Blaine.



After we got home we attempted a picture of Tessie in the leaves.  I got a whole lot of snarl, some interest in eating the leaves and that’s about it.

T 10-27b

Later we tried to go to the Amma Maternity Fall Halloween party to show off her costume and get some pics taken.    It was fun to see all the little kids in their adorable cute-ness… but after waiting in line for a bit it was clear Tessie just wanted to sleep.  So we stepped out of line and left – but not without getting our picture taken by a staff member in the lobby. 

We skipped the wig this time and went with the backup headband with a bow that takes over her head.  Perhaps you noticed.



Sunday morning started with cinnamon french toast (YUM)  and raking the front yard.   After lunch T and I  headed to Kev’s Korner to visit the pumpkin patch and pick out our pumpkins while Steve ran to an appointment. 

 tessie pumpkin smirk 10-27


When he got home we all headed outside to finish the raking.   Tessie wasn’t much help, but she sure is cute!

 leaves 10-30  piles of leaves

We celebrated the end of a perfect fall weekend by giving Tessie her first taste of Pumpkin.   I didn’t make it this time; instead I bought the organic pumpkin from Trader Joe’s.   Tessie gobbled it right up.   I love that (so far) she eats whatever we give her and I look forward to “clearing” all the new foods so we can start mixing.   I have to believe that while pumpkin straight up is good… it would be even better with a little banana mixed in.


That’s all for now!  Cheers!

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