Every day is a collection of moments. Each week, each month and each year they become our memories.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

That month of blurriness

originally written 7-16-12

I am one of those people who continues  to keep a  hand written calendar.   I am so old fashioned, right?   I just like the act of putting pen to paper and actually holding my plans in my hands.    I think its fun to look back at what was in there.   I also enjoy the process of buying new pages for my planner and starting fresh when the time calls for it. 

Like today.

Unfortunately I can’t actually get started because I am dumbfounded at what was going on with me just 9 months ago.   Last October started with this:
  • ·         Working outside the home 15+ hours a week at a contract recruiting job
  • ·         Announcing to our families that we were pregnant
  • ·         Making final repairs and preparations for my home to be rented
  • ·         Fielding almost daily drop in visits and phone calls from the renters who insisted on moving in before their lease started; amidst the tools and final projects we were in the midst of finishing..
  • ·         Announcing to our families that we were getting married
  • ·         Planning our wedding day in 5 weeks.    Can you believe we had 200 guests??
  • ·         Continuing to work the last month of the Farmers Market
  • ·         Working (2) additional home show weekends
  • ·         Keeping the business running…  with sales that topped the previous October.  (Notice how the first priority ended up last on the list?)


Were we insane?   I have ½ days outside the home scheduled with registering for the wedding and obtaining building permits all in one.   I was officially changing my address while prepping for year end bookkeeping and shopping for a wedding dress.  I was frantically researching wedding decorations and  planning ceremony details while managing our internet marketing plan and trying to remember birthday gifts for my nephews.  (did I?).   At one point I had a list of 200 wedding tasks that needed to be completed.    All this while in my first trimester of pregnancy and completely worthless  after 6pm each day.     Every single day that month was a scheduled blur of priorities.   

And it was.  

God Bless my sisters who stepped in and helped do everything they could to take the burden off of me; to listen to my mania; and to make sure that no matter what, I still felt like a pampered bride.   

Uff-da.  That about sums it up. 

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