What a Week!!
- Grandma Kathy has taken on her project of planting our gardens with a vengeance. She has been here almost every day this week working for hours on end. There will be a lot of upkeep going forward, and this does stress out Steve a bit, but I am thrilled. Besides, next summer when Tessie is toddling around the backyard playing, I will probably like weeding the garden. Well, maybe.
- I went through all of Tessie's clothes again. It's just one of the many cycles of having a baby, right? What doesn't fit? What fits now? What might fit soon? Rearrange the dresser. My baby is so tall that we are writing off one piece outfits for good. So I gathered another stack of clothing to return - and then went to Carters and bought an 8 piece cool weather wardrobe for $39.
- Tessie is totally grabbing for things and finally really enjoying the activity gym and all its fun toys. She talks to herself in the mirror and grabs at everything!
- She is still sleeping so great. I never take it for granted so it is always a highlight. She wakes up all smiles and joy. Steve gets her every morning and changes her before bringing her to me.
- We had a day with miss Mikayla on Tuesday ..... always so much fun to play with a cousin!
- Karen and Allie came over on Wednesday and we walked to Noodles for lunch. It was the first time we just used the stroller without the car seat and it worked great. Of course we had work interrupt us about 10 times, so it was awesome to have Karen there to grab Tessie as needed. We don't see each other enough!
- Yesterday afternoon she was in the office and just smiled and talked to Steve for the longest time. He couldn't tear himself away and it was a highlight of his day.
- She tracks Steve's movements through the room. I am chopped liver when he shows up. If she even hears his voice she will stop nursing to locate him. She will smile at the phone when I put him on speaker.
- We are experimenting with tummy time but we are not committed to doing it every day yet. Some days when she is lying my chest she lifts her head up to look at me.
- She is straining her neck to try and pull herself in to a sitting position. If she is sitting in a chair or propped on a pillow she is trying to use her little neck to propel her into a new position. I feel that tummy time shouldn't be an issue given this.
- She sits in the highchair and watches me make dinner. I feel like I am performing my own cooking show as I narrate everything I’m doing with an occasional cheesy grin to my audience. She seems interested.
- Tessie is teething. She drools non stop. She BITES when she gets a finger. She could care less about any toy that is a teething toy – but loves to chew on blankets, tags, her hands, and me.
- I have used the pressure cooker 4 times this week. I am in love.
- I am officially obsessed with Pinterest.
- Thinking about planning the baptism. Of course I've started by searching for baptismal gowns. On Pinterest.
- I am working on getting her 3 month portraits scheduled. What to wear, what to wear?? What poses do I want? Must check Pinterest.
- Jolene's volunteer position as Tessie's best friend is starting in 2 weeks. To say that I am excited is an understatement. One day a week outside of the office to really focus on internet marketing and blogging for business is exactly what I need!
What else? Tessie has spent time in her swing in the office with me, and hanging out on the patio watching Steve wash the truck!
So here it is Sunday morning. My amazing sleeper has been down for almost 3 hours. I'm blogging, drinking coffee and about to start some chores. Steve is at the Market, and later today we're doing our fun stepping stone project. Then Monday comes and it all starts all over again!
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