Every day is a collection of moments. Each week, each month and each year they become our memories.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

So tired.


I am worn out.  I am both emotionally and mentally drained.   I need a day to totally unplug and unwind and totally check out.   Instead, I sit here in front of the TV with my laptop on my lap in my PJ’s feeling guilty I’m not outside.   On a similar note, I am also feeling guilty that I am not working out while I sit here waiting for my latest ice cream concoction (peanut butter s’more) to warm up enough for me to eat.  Whatever. 

Tessie has been the master of “don’t mind me I’ll keep myself busy” today.   And I swear that I will never (NEVER EVER EVER) get sick of the sweet smile on her face as she waves at me from inside her crib before her nap.  

I will probably shower before going to Emily’s for dinner.   I will hopefully remember to pack a cup and bib for Tessie before we leave.  In the mean time, I am going to watch TV and eat ice cream and throw in the towel on being productive today.  Tomorrow…  may be another story.

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